Living with reality requires a truthful heart and mind.

Tag: bad habits

Power to Change

Advertisers understand the power of the subconscious mind. That is why they spend so much money to imprint it with their messages. I am impressed at the power of the subconscious mind, having learned for myself how hard it is to overcome some bad habits.

I’ve practiced hypnosis and somatic massage for over twenty years along with various forms of meditation. My meditation practice alone did not entirely crack the code of my subconscious mind, though it was important. Subconscious systems of thought ran in my mind automatically, they were both trusted and familiar. These habits reflected a self concept that did not budge, regardless of my insight and knowledge. You see, my map of reality included a recurring sense of self in danger. This crippled both my ambition and self care. My energy and attention seemed to be on the edge of a minefield. I felt fear of getting blown to smithereens. For a long time I refused to move forward living and used various avoidance strategies. By questioning my beliefs I previously took for granted, meditation, therapy and massage, I found partial relief, still my fear of disaster remained embedded in the map of my personal reality.

“How do we know hypnosis works? Because advertisers wouldn’t spend hundreds of millions to influence us with their messages if it didn’t work.”

Hypnotherapy is the method that allowed me to change the map of reality that became a habit in my youth.

It is really a kind of de-hypnotizing that brings the subconscious mind into alignment or harmony with the conscious mind. I’m more effective, as a result of this deconditioning. I’m liberated from the fear based habits which subconsciously sabotaged my best efforts to live. Hypnosis frees energy from old fear driven habits to create a better map of reality.

Hypnosis is a tool that updates the conscious and subconscious mind that’s capable of addressing and adapting to actual circumstances. Living now is an adventure in discovery in ever changing circumstances. Discovery is what the unknown offers and no longer is it simply a dangerous threat to me, it’s an exciting adventure.

By Sharon Schlotthauer

SharonBy Sharon Dalzell |

In service of survival we imagine ourselves but we mistake this dreaming to be our real self. This self concept can have many parts that have different jobs. It’s an adventure describing how a conscious noticing can be introduced into this habitual (unconscious) world of mind. The self we’re imagining and the many sub selves it juggles thinks and feels itself real. To introduce noticing this self is rather like listening to conversations among imaginary friends. Noticing, or paying attention to these imagined selves operating subconsciously is powerful. After spending couple of days talking to and mostly listening to my own different selves and inviting them to come forth, they spoke out loud and it went something like this…

The imagined self lays down the ‘law’ regarding what we allow as socially proper behavior, for me. But, wait, here comes another self, with another set of ideas. A self who wants out from under the pressure of societal norms and it insists on saying ‘yes’ to a nontraditional lifestyle. This self thinks she has a right to a juicier, more lively living experience. Another self sighs and shuffles in, a worn and torn mother speaking about how sick and tired she is of the struggle that goes on among these different selves. It is lively and energetically charged, how these different selves step into the conversation. The mother self seems a bit of a martyr, managing the squabbling and manipulative mind stuff of and child and adolescent selves. The mother self is stoic and forever worn out. She feels guilty that she has not been able to reconcile these warring and childish selves. She wanted her kids to have better than she had. She now  wants the kids to go away because they don’t listen, they’re unruly and refuse to co-operate. They know she’ll take care of them no matter how they argue and refuse to co-operate with one another.

There is a conscious awareness is in the midst of mental stories, a noticing of the perpetual cycling of these selves as they are being taken care of or belittled by another imagined self like the martyr mom above. But who notices  what or who  holds all of this that is circling within. The martyr mom would be out of a job if the kids ever reconciled. Who notices this play in the theater of mind?

As I play with and listen to these selves I become aware that these so-called selves are habitual systems, created in my mind, developed from some snapshot in the past where this thought of ‘I’ made a decision about how to get by in the world, that decision has since become automatic. I don’t have to think about it for the habit to work. I am convinced all of us formed such survival strategies that are a bit like my personal example.

A baby learns and adapts to whatever circumstances are present. Familial influences are present along with an onslaught of hypnotic advertising. These things influence a human being by six months of age. Whatever beliefs (systems of thought) influenced us from culture e.g. spiritual or religious influence, it seems a sense of self will be created and form strategies to cope with the world. With media influence especially with the advent of the internet reaches into us more powerfully influencing what an person or group comes to believe. Primitive and modern values converge forming the foundation of notions ‘about’ ourselves built out of all the information bombarding the mind. All aspects of this self presumes to do different jobs and even struggle with conflicting beliefs. Survival is presumably the goal of these beliefs.

As an experiment let’s let these selves come forth and speak. This changes things because we do it consciously instead of habitually. It is illuminating and begins to separate awareness from what is a magnificent complex of thought that is typically automatic. We see these routines are often emotionally charged and it’s quite astounding to see them as a kind of thought software as opposed to ‘who we are.’

To help this witnessing of the mind, creating an altered state like a mild trance serves as a tool to break us out of our habitual thinking. Hypnosis is similar to a meditative altered state of mind, except in meditation we are quieting the mind, in hypnosis we are consciously exploring it. Our own Awareness simply begins to see what’s happening within the mind BECAUSE we are not operating automatically we bring NEW conscious insights, facts and judgments to these previously habituated thinking and this dramatically changes how we value these ideas. We may see some habits no longer serve us, if they ever did. Our whole view of ourselves and how we see the world can change. In this way hypnosis works in favor of the individual’s conscious freedom to choose.

Finding our own capacity to redirect previously automatic processes of the mind counters and, often, breaks the ‘spell’ cast by the constant hypnotic influence of marketing, cultural and religious influence. Many of these strategies simply guide consumers to products or beliefs that serve outside interests.

Conscious use of hypnosis can undo the influence of hypnotic techniques that we’ve been exposed to our whole life.

We begin to use the mind more consciously and less habitually to direct our own choices. This can be playful too. It’s joyful to find out there is more to life than habits formed many years ago. Let’s create a life worth living and a world in which it’s a joy to live.

My name is Sharon Dalzell Schlotthauer CCHT. I help the process above. I use hypnosis to undo a lifetime of hypnosis that no longer serves a purpose, if it ever did.  

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