Living with reality requires a truthful heart and mind.

Author: yugbvrwaz

Why Explore the Subconscious Mind?

By Sharon Dalzell-Schlotthauer CMT CCHT |

When I say subconscious, I mean that dimly lit dreamy depth in mind where we store snapshots of past events, where actions we learned run automatically. Subconsciously, we don’t need to think about tying our shoes, how to ride a bicycle (once we’ve learned) or what is right and what is wrong in beliefs or behavior. We just react from an already known library of preconceived ideas.

What we do and how we do it can arise today, formed from habitual systems of thought, that  some call second nature.  Often these are really some of our earliest experiences that are deeply entrenched in the subconscious. Some may be a result of repeated suggestions through advertising that makes its way into our subconscious mind (beginning with the former).

This input  is instructing a  child’s mind, a mind that  is not developed enough to distinguish the difference between say, approval and survival because both may involve intense fear. In actuality, a more developed mind comprehends that  disapproval and a threat to life are not, in most cases,  the same thing. However,  as the child matures, decisions based on ideas, some of which are untrue or half true still exist as a habit of mind and are treated as facts automatically.  

The further development or lack thereof concerning the child above is based upon systems of belief that the child treats as facts. Indeed the sub conscious mind does NOT make any distinction between fact , fantasy,  a fiction. It’s all experienced in the subconscious, as real , like falling in a dream seems real even though it isn’t. We can also experience feelings arising from a daydream world in our waking life and our bodies treat what we think as fact.

Imagination is not bad, it can conjure something as a starting point for the creation of something no one might think possible, but we bring it to fruition in the physical world. The Wright Brothers proved man could build a flying machine. They first imagined and brought it from the mind into physical reality. We can see the vast potential of the subconscious and conscious mind mingling but past conclusions and fears can prevent  such  development.

When a body is on auto pilot, hypnotized into a trance through repetitions of mind (like the confirmation bias of advertising) it takes a conscious choice to step out of the habit. A habit can also be born as a result of a sudden intense event producing a traumatic response like PTSD, which greatly diminishes conscious actions and critical thinking.

The attempt to control present  events based on questionable beliefs based in the past on some snapshot of a highly charged event,  often leads to stagnation in the human experience. We don’t want an overbearing child mind habitually running and directing our adult life.

Decisions based on a child’s notion of survival are stupefying to an adult’s decision making process and our ability to adapt to new circumstances.  Remember unconscious beliefs running in the subconscious remain automatic until we consciously engage them. Those beliefs and prejudices keep the adult in check as if she/he were still that child. The fact is that as stated above,  decisions based on snapshots of frightening experiences or beliefs will continue to determine an adult’s actions and experience of life. A redundant living is boring but we now have endless entertainments at our fingertips that sooth the captive mind, caught in a fenced childhood yard, even as an adult.

The purpose of creating a trance with hypnosis is to consciously reevaluate both new and old habituated beliefs to create a better map of reality. We consciously view unconscious beliefs and bring new experiences and judgments to those conclusions made either long ago or merely accepted as true because of redundant suggestion. Hypnosis becomes a rescue and a repair operation as we consciously handle what was previously an unconscious memory.  We bring awareness of present events and new facts to old beliefs and that changes things. We can let go of a child’s conclusions and adult beliefs too.

A child’s mind is susceptible to fairy tale worlds of dark woods and closets containing scary monsters. Unconsciously this child mind can be manipulated quite easily. Ruthless con artist lie to us to activate our habits of mind and then rip us off because it’s like “taking candy from a baby.”

As a nation hypnotized by advertising that markets us dubious lifestyles based on preconceived notions, we’re repeatedly told what to do, what to like, and what to fear. Hypnosis is tool, like using a thorn to take out that thorn, then throwing both thorns away, realizing that we are actually free of the chains born of poor conclusions.

Entertainment is now more a tool of suggestion than ever before. This is often a redundant simulation of living that misses much of what it’s like to consciously be here. Our vulnerability existing consciously unbound by suggested conclusions keeps us open to what life really offers. We adapt, engage and live more fully. It’s is perhaps a cause for suspicion to consider hypnosis as a means to change one’s own beliefs to something more beneficial because they are more true, meaning more in tune with reality. It’s worth a look. The unconscious or child-mind can also be looked at from many perspectives. A conscious adult who understands the dangers of a subconscious or inner child mind, is in an entirely different position to respond. It’s a  matter of making contact with reality consciously.  


Exploiting Trust


By Sharon Dalzell-Schlotthauer

Hearing a commercial come on the radio, I turn the radio off. I am tired of being bombarded by suggestions that I probably have termites or rodents in the basement and I need an exterminator for my house that I can ‘refi’ as easily as falling off a log. These repetitive suggestions are meant to bypass our conscious recognition. The most powerful suggestions operate in the subconscious mind and become our prejudices, assumptions, and habits of thinking. These suggestions given to us from outside sources, such as radio tv, movies, operate like the way we chew gum without thinking about it, the way we reach for certain brands, and shop at particular stores. The method used is post hypnotic suggestion, or neuro linguistic programming, known as NLP, and is profoundly effective, especially with repetition. The idea is to implant the name of a brand into the subconscious mind. Then, when the roof leaks, we automatically think of that particular roofing company, the one that we always hear on the radio.

TV marketing or advertising uses hypnotic suggestion to encourage or lead us to whatever is being offered for sale.

Hypnotic marketing strategies sometimes if not oftentimes exploit our trust, utilizing suggestive evocative images and phrases meant to tug at our sentiments and inspire a willingness to buy whatever is being offered for sale. An introduction followed by some free information, or gift , or help is given . The marketing strategy is to ignite in the individual the spirit of reciprocity. The target market means a group or an individual being led to desire a product or process, that supposedly, will give that group or individual satisfaction. Through a gift being offered, the desire to purchase the product or process is being inserted into the subconscious mind . The strategy instills trust in the receiver. By this means, our, ( the target market ) sense of fairness is triggered because we think that the giver has shown faith and trust in us by giving us something, perhaps, truly valuable. And, we begin to show faith and trust in return by buying product from what we consider a trusted vendor, After accepting a free gift, we “take the bait” or trust and believe that what is being purchased will benefit us , meet our needs, and satisfy our desires. Sometimes there is some satisfaction, often times just the opposite. How many times has the consumer felt and actually been sold a promise in a product or service that fell far short of that promise.

How strange I felt when I realized that that marketing techniques, post hypnotic suggestion, guided imagery, NLP were the same techniques that I was learning in my study of hypnosis. The difference being that my intention was and is to use the techniques to benefit the individual as she or he decides. For instance hypnosis can be successful in it’s power to break habits that my clients no longer want, beliefs running automatically below the level of consciousness via the subconscious mind, sometimes the very beliefs put there by marketing strategies. Those advertising campaigns glamorizing junk food, cigarettes, or other legal addictive substances, using alluring images of good feelings , hypnotic suggestion that these products have great value .

It is clear that hypnotic suggestion is a double-edged sword.

It can be used to manipulate the subconscious mind destructively or constructively. It’s a tool that depends on the integrity of who is using it. Considering hypnotic suggestion that goes beyond even marketing strategies selling products to consumers, notice the absurd or destructive behavior in which crowds can be led by a hypnotic speaker, to offer huge amounts of money in return for some notion of abundance returning ten fold, or worse the hypnotic power of a speaker who can stir up a hate driven lynch mob. It is important to notice and to remember that suggestion is not a trifling matter.

Our ability to trust our perceptions and our environment is as vital to our survival as our ability to be learn from whatever events we have experienced as painful , sometimes traumatic. When our trust has been exploited, manipulated by outside forces, we either begin to refuse or become afraid to trust what is going on in and around us, or we become denizens believing and doing whatever we’re told. Either way, obedient or rebellious, we are still, more often than not, at the mercy of hypnotic suggestions coming at us and into our minds, from outside influence that bypass the conscious mind and influence our thinking without our being aware of what is being placed in our minds.

We can use hypnotic suggestion for our own benefit.

We can use this same set of hypnotic tools to undo thinking habits that have been inserted into our subconscious minds, provided we do it consciously. We can anchor the notion to disobey no longer useful or wanted old ideas that are running automatically in our subconscious minds and take advantage of a hypnotic trance to instill in our subconscious minds the notion of confidence, freedom of expression, freedom to make new and different choices. We can dislodge old fear based limits and anchor belief in freedom to make mistakes, engaging in trial and error to find new and better ways of living, creating a world in which we want to live. We can change the content of our subconscious minds, for our own benefit. We can break free of what has been inserted by in authentic authorities. We can move beyond whatever limits in mind that keep us frightened of the unknown, of failure of success. Finding we can change and clear our minds for our own benefit is an awakening of our creative power. It s a genuinely valuable use of the mind.


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